Search Results
CITA 443: True CMB Power Spectrum Estimation
CITA 498: The CMB beyond the Power Spectrum & Testing the No-Hair Theorem
CITA 21: Cosmological Wiggles and Plateaux in Power-Spectrum Covariance
icosmo Matter Power Spectrum Options
Power Spectrum of the Logistic Map
Power Spectral Density of the CMB data
CITA 627: Cosmic flows: testing gravity and the matter power spectrum on very large scales
CITA 408: Constraining the physics of inflation with the CMB
Searching for the Predicted Peaks in the CMB Power Spectrum
Power Spectrum of the Logistic Map
CITA 663: An Uncooperative Universe: Large Scale Anomalies in the CMB
CMB Physics (J. Chluba)